How to be a good role model for your students?

Posted By |2020-10-30 19:17

How to be a good role model for your students?



How to be a good role model for your students?


Believe it or not, a good student is always on the lookout for inspiration. So, although parents play a pivotal role in shaping the lives of their children, teachers are capable of creating a long-lasting impression on their students. Many times, a teacher is subject to scrutiny by one’s students. Everybody can make mistakes, and teachers are no exception. Notwithstanding, what is it that you can do as a teacher to make your students look up to you, imbibe a few of your qualities, and perhaps even come to regard you as a role model? Here are some suggestions from our end:-


1. Exhibit leadership qualities


A great teacher is one who can lead his students on the right path. Qualities like patience, acceptance, perseverance, and kindness can inspire the students so much so that they would never want to depreciate you or your presence. A vibrant approach to teaching is a must lest the student should get demotivated. Maintaining a good posture while teaching may not only complement excellent teaching methods, but may also send positive signals to the student. Only an enthusiastic teacher is capable of gaining a student’s undivided attention.


2. Try to be different


Herd mentality does no good. There are thousands and millions of teachers, but what is it that will make you stand out? Do you like experimenting with different teaching methods, or are you averse to change? Well, if you like monotony, you will prove to be a run-of-the-mill teacher. Be different. Show empathy, and try making each of your lessons intriguing. Only then will you students eagerly await each of your valuable lessons.


3. Break the ice


Not everybody likes being schooled despite it being a vital part of growth. If you feel a student is losing interest in a particular lesson, don't blame him. Try changing the topic. You could do so by talking about things that may fascinate your student. And once the student seems contented, get back to your original topic of discussion.


4. Accept your mistakes


Students like it when a teacher acknowledges his mistakes. This gives them a reason to blindly trust their teachers. Earning a student’s trust is quite a task, but something as insignificant as ‘sorry, that was my mistake’, or ‘you don’t have to worry, it was I who made a mistake,’ can make an impact. The students will then know that the teacher is genuinely sorry for a mistake, and even they will learn to be sorry when they make mistakes!


5.Be respectful


Everyone likes being respected. A student may not be intelligent or may have issues with learning, but that doesn’t mean he has to be denigrated. A good teacher tried to figure out what his students’ interests are and moulds the student accordingly.

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