Child safety in Indian Schools

Posted By Radheshyam |2019-09-28 12:47

Child safety in Indian Schools

child safety in Indian Schools, Jobors.comIt is very essential to have a safe, positive and comfortable learning environment for students of all ages at schools. It creates an open space for students to learn, explore and grow. When the basic safety is not met, they don’t feel comfortable at schools, stop showing up and remain the whole day on the edge.

How we can forget the killing of a 7-year old student in a school in Gurgaon, the rape of a 5-year old child by a peon in a school in Delhi and several other such cases in recent times. Children are not safe nowadays in Indian schools. Parents have huge faith in schools when they send their children to school every morning! But schools are failing them miserably.

Child safety is the topmost concern at the schools in India. It starts from their homes to schools and back. The purpose is to protect children from any kind of abuses, violence, emotional issues, natural/man-made disasters, and fire and transportation. Finding emotional problems among children is the most difficult task. If it is not found in time, it can cause children to suffer stress and lower self-esteem.

To ensure that schools across India are following safety guidelines released by CBSE, safety audits are conducted regularly at schools by inspection bodies. If they fail to maintain the safety guidelines, they risk disaffiliation from CBSE. As per the guidelines, it is must to have every staff and his/her documents verified by police. They must go through a psychometric evaluation.

As a parent, you must be interested in your children, talk to them and most importantly, listen to them. You are the best person to teach your children what safety means.

  • Make your children comfortable, so they can share everything with you like activities, learning, habits, friends, teachers, etc.
  • Always remind them of the importance of their safety for you.
  • Set boundaries for where they may go or not, who they meet or not and things they may do or not.
  • Get involved with them, practice safety skills time to time with them.
  • There should be a trusted adult apart from you who your children can call in an emergency.
  • Teach them not to go anywhere without your permission.

About Author

  • Radheshyam

All Comments (1)

  • Minaxi verma On 2019-11-27 13:38
    Respected Sir, Thank for sharing key points -:What point you raised is very sensitive issue to whole education sector now a days whether it is government or non government body. I think most important thing is awareness[legal, social, Moral] to eve

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