49 Awesome Ways To Stand Out While Job Hunting

Posted By Prakhar Tyagi |2017-12-01 11:21

Job Hunting

Looking for a job? or Going for an interview!.  You should always prepare yourself and remember that there are multiple applications, job seekers, and eligible candidates for this single position.

In this post, We are going to discuss about job hunting and what are the best ways to get your dream job. Here are 49 awesome ways to stand out while job hunting:


1. Pursue industry related certification.

2. Update your LinkedIn profile. 3. Tailor your application for the job. 4. Address the hiring manager in your cover letter. 5. Include portfolio + Social links in your user resume. 6. Keep your resume neat and clean. 7. Send your resume as a PDF. 8. Include, references available upon request. 9. Set up an online portfolio if applicable.  

Phone Interview


Here we are going to discuss the things you need to focus at the time of phone interview:

10. Choose a quiet location to take the call.

11.  Print out any reference materials.

12.  Answer with, hello this is {name}

13.  Have a professional Voicemail message just in case.

14.  User-Friendly  +  Upbeat tone of voice.

15.  Allow a  pause before taking your turn to speak.

16.  Thank your interviewer for their time.

17. Say goodbye in a professional way.

18. Send a follow Thank you for an email.

19. Emphasize your interest in the job.

20. Have a professional email signature.

21. Always keep it brief when emphasizing your interest in the job

In Person Interview

22. Prepare copies of your resume and your cover letter.

23. Print your resume and cover letter on high-quality paper.

24. And dress according to office culture.

25. But make sure you are comfortable in that dress.

26. Keep hair and makeup simple.

27. Arrive at least 10 minutes early.

28. Be kind to everyone you encounter.

29. Turn off or silence your mobile devices

30. Stand up when your interview walks in the room.

31. Always shake hands with your interview.

32. Use your research to break the ice.

33. Keep a friendly but appropriate distance with the interviewer

34. Practice a social etiquette.

35. Keep business cards handy.

36. Ask thought-provoking questions.

37. Maintain eye contact with your interview.

38. Keep a strong and confident posture.

39. Don't forget to smile.

40. Don't be afraid to brag.

41. Tie your experience to the job specs.

42. Make your narrative clear.

43. Ask for feedback.

44. Listen to your interviewer carefully.

45. Thank you, interviewer, for their time.

46. Wish them a good day.

47. Send a handwritten thank you note.

48. And personalize it to each person.

49. Reiterate your fit during follows up.



These are the 49 tips to crack an interview - if you are going to job hunt and looking for a job so you should prepare according to the mentioned ways and consider this list, less of a study guide and more of a checklist, and aim for progress in your interview processes — not perfection.

About Author

  • Prakhar Tyagi

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