5 years ago
Role and responsibilities:-
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Today’s children are confronted with the new age information ,communication and entertainment. The electronic media and social media are setting new norms of life style that has changed even as recently as in the last five years. Materialistic culture has assumed monstrous proportions. All these put tremendous pressure on the youngsters. Joint families have become a thing of the past and parents hardly have any time for the children. Therefore, inspite of getting all the material comforts, to-days youngsters feel hopeless, helpless and distraught and get emotionally imbalanced and disoriented. In this scenario, we as school administrators and teachers will have to play a proactive role to save our children from the negative consequences of the pressures of complex modern living and help them realize their full potential. For this we need to counsel them seriously. We have to become an integral part of the school in providing guidance and counselling to our students so that they cope up with the mounting pressures. We as teachers and facilitators can no longer remain confined within the conventional contours of our profession. Providing just knowledge is no longer sufficient. Every teacher has to virtually act as a counsellor. Therefore it is essential that all of us in the teaching fraternity should develop a conceptual view of the whole field of guidance and counselling to the students so that we can help the students realize their full potential. This is the need of the hour in the present scenario.
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