2 years ago
Special Knowledge/Skills:
Brief Role:
“He who plants trees benefits another Generation”, with this adage in mind one more sapling was planted by the Founder Mr.Ramamurthy and the Managing Trustee Mrs. V.Geeta in the year 1995 in the location Alapakkam which was once economically backward. The Rajiv School of Excellence was established with a view to provide rich learning experience to help the students to develop their innate talents and potentials. Nuturing: Since its inception with 54 pupils in classes Kg to V std. Has now led to an incredible growth with the strength of over 1000 pupils in classes KG to XII. In the real sense, the youth of today is the architect of the destiny of the future. Education, therefore, has to be administered with great care and commitment, determination and dedication. The prime objective of the school is to channelize the children by providing them a liberal education in a hygienic atmosphere to transit as global citizens who can look beyond geographical boundaries and promote a culture of peace and brotherhood. Our journey continues still with pride and pride by hopping 25th Silver Jubilee Year. In order to facilitate and fulfil the Mission, the school has incorporated the following in its curriculum.
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