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The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

University - State University
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The idea of establishing a University at Baroda had engaged the attention of the Government of the former State of Baroda and its educational advisors long before the question of regional universities and decentralisation, reorganisation and reconditioning of higher education to suit the cultural educational needs of particular areas had taken root in the country. The concept was first visualized by Dr. Jackson, when, as Principal of the Baroda College in the 1908, he advocated the establishment of a Science Institute at Baroda on an improved and independent basis. It was a consistent policy of the Government of Baroda to subject its educational system to periodical inquiries of an exploratory nature by educational experts of international fame, as a result of which the first Commission was appointed in 1909. The principle recommendation of that Commission was to expand the activities of the Baroda College by establishing additional chairs in new branches of knowledge. As a result of this policy of chalking out untrodden paths in higher education and thereby evolving a university atmosphere in Baroda, chairs of Comparative Region and Household Science were instituted. Prof. Widgery and Mrs. Strong were appointed to hold these chairs. In 1916, the educational policy of the State was again reviewed. As a part of this inquiry, one of the members of the Commission, Shri S.V.Mukerjea, prepared minutes of recommendations and in his note he definitely advocated the establishment of a University at Baroda.

Pratapgunj, Vadodara, Gujarat

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Vadodara Recruitment 2025
