Organization Working Days
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridaySaint Raman School is located in Gharoli, Delhi. There are 34 dedicated and professional faculty members who impart quality education to children in this Other Board school. Saint Raman School was started in the year 1995. This school's primary medium of instruction is English and the student teacher ratio is 41:1. The school tries to provide best learning environment. This school runs classes from 1 to 8 to provide education to students. 1397 is approximately the current student strength of this school. 5200 books are there in the library of this school. The school has given exceptional results in the academic sphere and its students have excelled in extra co-curricular activities too. 100% from this school qualified the examination and out of those, 100% scored first grade with flying colors.
A Block, Mayur Vihar Iii, Gharoli, Integrated Freight Complex, Gharoli, New Delhi, Delhi 110096, India