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Just Tutors

Education Company - Online Tutoring
Foundation Year
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Open Jobs

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


JustTutors is a premier online education company focusing on Math, Science, and English. We offer a wholesome and hand-crafted learning journey to each student with an emphasis on 1-to-1 attention and delivery as each student has a unique learning need. The team comes with a lot of experience in online education having delivered more than half a million sessions for students in more than 12 countries. Some of the key facets of our learning methodology are: •One to One personalized learning journey including aspects of school education, extracurricular and online enablement •Completely flexible schedule tailored on how a student’s day looks like •Proven teaching methodology designed after 8+ Years of research on online education. •All content and assessment keep in mind the grasping capability and pace of each student •Our online sessions are monitored by the Academic Quality teams to ensure the best results The team comes with a lot of experience in online education having delivered more than half a million sessions for students in more than 12 countries.

F-1, C-40, Sector 58 Noida, Uttar Pradesh


Just Tutors Noida Recruitment 2025
