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Amruta Institute of Engineering and Management Sciences

College - Engineering
Foundation Year
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B.V.V.Sangha’s has been set up with a vision to create a hub of educational excellence towards nurturing human resources for resurgent India imbibed with Indian values, culture and heritage. Amruta Institute of Engineering and Management Sciences (AIeMS), in Bidadi, off Mysore road is a first step in this larger vision. Composed of professionals and entrepreneurs, the B.V.V.S team consists of people who have founded and grown enterprises into successful institutions. The combined experience of this team, excellent rapport with Industry and unparalleled zeal will be brought to bear to nurture students into engineering and management professionals. Innovation, Integrity and Excellence shall be their guiding motto. B.V.V. Sangha’s AIeMS has been set up with a vision to create a hub of educational excellence towards nurturing technical human resources for resurgent India in different fields like CSE, ECE, ME, Civil Engineering & MBA imbibed with values culture, heritage and social concern. At AIeMS, Technology plays a vital role in teaching, training and personality development which enable the graduates to place in standard and good companies and industries.

Bidadi Industrial Town, Ramanagaram, Near Toyota Kirloskar Motors Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka


Amruta Institute of Engineering and Management Sciences Bengaluru Recruitment 2025
